Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Secret of Desire

Whenever my little wish came true, I thought about secret of desire. I thought about this bible verse, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4).  Secret is God has granted our desire, deserved or un-deserved. If we insist to come up a logical explanation, I think, when we desire something, we think about it, pay more attention to it, put out extra efforts in it and bingo, wish becomes truth.

Earlier this summer we were waiting for the weather to clear up before we headed out to Klamath Falls Lake and Tule Lake wildlife area. It was our third trip. Learned from last two experiences, we knew we have to be there earlier than June. The articles I read and friend’s suggestion are all pointing at Feb-March, but we were just not enthusiastic enough to make the trip in the freezing weather. Came April, a volunteer spot needed to be filled, and I could not help but to jump in. By the time when my duty was fulfilled, we were late again this year.

I booked us to lodge at Running Y Ranch earlier and thought, if we don’t shoot anything, we would at least have a nice and relaxing weekend overlooking a beautiful golf course. Sooner when I walked into the room, I heard him yell "Check this out!" There are two pictures hanging on the wall, one shows Grebe's matting ritual dance and the other a close-up of Bald Eagle, exactly the shots that we came here for. Even since Steve witnessed the dance last year, he has been longing for the shot.

Pelican group attack (grebe in watch)
pelican's fishing net
There were still quite a few birds around, such as ducks, geese, terns, pelicans, grebes, egrets, herons, avocets, stilts, downy woodpeckers, ibis and bald eagles. Lots of grebes on water, but we did not dare our luck to see the dance right at the moment. We are just occasional wildlife hobbyist.

Pelicans meanwhile surprised us with their fishing show. Usually we spotted one or two egrets by water bank and this time, there were at least 15 or 20. They followed pelican’s trail and fishing along. Both are large birds and it is fun to watch their march, it is comical. I also had my first experience watching pelicans swallow multiple fish in one attempt and consume them gradually after that.

Grebes, avocets, bald eagles are our favorites, but we have shot them a few times. I do have a wish list of birds that I hope to capture some images at the refuge. I looked for them whenever I was out shooting birds, but they were either not around or ran too fast to reach.

I ran into Cedar Waxwing two years ago and shot a few from distance, not completely satisfied. They
Cedar Waxwing
are such gorgeous looking birds, but I have not seen them since. We spotted Pheasants couple times at the refuges, but I have not been able to 'pull the trigger' before they disappeared. California Quails are quite common and they are around in the neighborhood, too. They have a curving crest or called plume droops to the front,  made of six feathers, black for male and brown for female.  I often saw them in distance.  When mother sensed the threat of human existence, she would stand in a higher ground and assure all her babies were safely retreated before she took off herself. I like them because of their unique appearance and beautiful feather.
California Quail

Pictures of the month posted on the entrance of the refuge are Bald eagle and Barred Owls. Other than those seen at raptor center, I have only seen owl once by John Day River and I have been longing to see more.

Great Horn Owl
We were walking on a secluded path outside the golf course early in the evening. Somehow I instinctively turned my head to the left and I saw this Great Horned Owl standing on a tree stump, still. At first I thought it was a wood carving, then, I kind of feeling it moved. I zoomed in my lens and saw its back. At that point, I was sure it is a live creature. Its body color has no difference from the tree behind. I did not know why I suddenly turned my head. And, while I was suspicious, the owl turned its head. Otherwise, I would just walk away thinking it was just a piece of wood.

Completely unexpected, I ran into all of them in one day. Either outside the hotel room, on the walk path or inside the refuge. I did not use our longest lens and the zoomed images are not sharp, but they are my 'trophies' and most of all, I cannot believe that I saw all of them in this trip! I was too excited. I ran and I shot without giving much thought to the settings. I should have used our 500mm, but I did not want to carry the weight. I was given the opportunities, but I did not make my best effort. I reaped what I'd sowed. 

My bird shots are not good on the first day, I switched my attention to landscape. I seemed to hear a voice by my ear. "I know you like birds and flowers, but I have created so many beautiful things for you to enjoy, why only birds and flowers?" "This is a whole wild world, look away, look further and see." The voice sounded authoritative and I began to look around.

It was the moment before dawn. The helicopter had launched its routine spraying mission while all the sprinkles are demonstrating water choreography. A little chopper sound, a mild mist, a hazy sky and a load of peace and quietness have made this morning prelude.

Sun was up, bright sunray sparkles on water. A lonely ibis was standing on the bank. Its long and pointed beak and slender long legs seems to post an interesting silhouette for me. 
We spent a good day at the refuge. Mount Shasta was in the scene the whole time, but while my heart was occupied with birds, I did not even recognize its existence.

I think there is a reason why my bird shots are not too good. If they are good, I might not look away otherwise and discovered the gorgeous Mount Shasta, the layers of colors on the swamp, and the white reflection. 

Sometimes I was so occupied with small details, I overlooked the big picture. 

Better yet, when we came home, I found my favorite House Finch and Gold Finch (American Canary) were in our backyard singing the welcome home song...

I have not seen them since last year and I have been thinking of them. Other than Robin, House Finch and Gold Finch have the most crisp and pleasant voice. If they are around, my day is surely merry and my heart is light.
house finch, male
gold finch, male

How life can be better than this?!  I suddenly found my arm is too short to embrace them all. Just like a little child in front of load of birthday presents and not sure which one to open first.

I believe we are furnished to live a good life. We just need to hold on that key, lock and unlock it at right time and with right mind.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Treasure at Home

I don’t have a big bucket list. If I have to make choices among many things I want to do, travel is probably my priority.  I have seen a lot and still lots more to see. As I grow older, I feel my purpose of traveling has been changed. It is no longer a mindset of ‘I have been here’. It is more about my desire to see what I have missed and feel what I have seen.  It is the same as my photography journey and findings that make my heart leap.

We seem to have a tendency to look up, look further and look beyond in our life. While there are places and resources are available right in our fingertips, we are reaching out somewhere else to find them.  At least, I am that person.

Some time ago, I blogged about ‘Humble Avenue’ in Silicon Valley, California where I found my favorite classy quality homes that I did not think them available in Eugene. On a solo photo walk one day, I discovered the similar homes in University Avenue here in Eugene.

In the last two years, I have been going to the gardens in Salem and Portland area thinking there is nothing worthy in Eugene, then, I changed my perspective immediately one day when I decided to stop by Owen’s Rose Garden. There are surely many kinds of roses, so as other flowers, quite a variety. I am embarrassed to say that I have lived here for almost 20 years.

Oregon has gorgeous coastline and nice beaches. I have never really hang out in the beaches in Washington State till last weekend. I was very surprised to discover that Washington has only rock beaches. The beaches are mostly narrow and rough.  I was expecting to take some pictures with my grandchildren running on the beaches in front of white waves and bluish green water under sunrise and sunset, but rock beaches there have completely thrown out my pre-visualized ideas.

Treasure is right at home, but I kept looking afar.

Friends just toured Lake Louise in Canadian Rockies. The backdrop of Lake Louise is the glacier and that makes it a dramatic setting and stunning view. 

But, I wonder if there are other lakes as unique and sacred like Crater Lake. I have been Crater Lake at least 8 times and I am still going.  I have taken pictures from different angles of the rim, in different time of the day and different season of the year, but the results have not been the same.

My most favorite thing to do is to stand on the highest viewpoint and look down the calm and serene water. The ripples stirred up by the boat created patterns but there was no sound of engine. The reflection on water is almost like tonal etched glass.
This picture was taken as is, no cropping or post-processing. It was an utterly beautiful day. The sky was blue; The cloud was pure white;  Water is looking like glass. The reflection of the rim and cloud is absolutely stunning. I found it interesting to have the cloud reflected the second time on the sunroof of our car. 

Isn't the coloration breath-taking? I even left the rock on the right because I want the addition of its color. It is so pure and yet so dramatic. Does it need more?

I only drive when I travel alone. Whenever I am a passenger, I usually have camera on my laptop and look for dramatic sky.  I snapped some sky shots while the car is moving, but have not come up anything that would give me a wow.

We had our alarm clock set at 3:00am, headed out of the door about 3:40am, and we were at Crater Lake half hour before sunrise (should be 5:45am). 

These two pictures were taken about one hour after sunrise. I first noticed the large patch of the cloud. Sun was behind. Backlighting makes white cloud dark. Just because the cloud is dark, I was immediately drawn to the sunray behind. And, God's Glory came to my mind.

I have used this 18-200 zoom lens for at least 5 years. It is my utility lens. Convenient is the main reason that I carry it around, but it does not take tack sharp pictures.  I don't have problem to get up at 3:00am, but I am not willing to carry a camera bag with multi lens. I want to  use one lens for all and that is not a good photography practice. I told myself not to use this lens for these shoot, but I did it again. 

Phantom Ship is one of the attractions at Crater Lake. Whoever named it phantom must be inspired with that spiritual and surreal outlook of the scene. Someone thought that it looks like a ship. I personally may name it a Lost Castle.

The reflection of the rim and blue sky have created a false landscape. Does the ship sit on water or land? Is the lighter blue sky or the darker blue, or, vis versa?

In an environment like this, illusion may take over reality. It is a solid island standing on water, but our imagination and surroundings have led us to a more spiritual realm. 

I have said earlier that this lake give me spiritual and sacred feeling and it is being proved here as well. If not for the orientation of the island (ship), I may not be able to distinguish the sky from the lake. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Simple Pleasure

American Robins kick off our regular morning with their cheering and rich voice ever since spring was here. Every now and then, I heard the crispy chirps from house finches and gold finches right by the bedroom window. They may all come a bit too early for me, but I would rather be called by them than the alarm clock.

I have been spending most of my time handling camera and working on photos in front of computer. My desk pile is heaping high and my house is getting cluttered.  I started feeling guilty and the words of addiction, indulgence and procrastination were pounding on me. I finally dropped everything photography-related, and spent a good whole day to clean my house.  Oh, mine. Nothing is more relaxing than sipping an iced lemonade in a room with shining floor and fresh smell.

It was a glorious day. We took an hour bike ride at a wooded area early in the morning. I did not touch a bike for 16 years. When I finally got on my bike again,  I  fell  from it  the next year and injured my left shoulder, but that did not stop me. I  am on my  bike again and feel better than ever.  
It is also fun to snap a few panning shots of other bikers  on the trail.   

Eugene  has  great  bike  trails  along the  river and into the woods.  It  is  always  invigorating 
to see people on the bike than behind the car wheel. This natural path of exercise is appealing.

Energized by the bike ride, we worked hard to re-organize the shrubs and flower plants in our yards.  New arrangement is based on 'less is more' theory. So glad to get rid of overgrowth and stringy mess.  I feel great when all are trimmed and looking tidy and tight.

There was no single bird come by this spring till early May. I planted three hummingbird loving plants in April, but they did not show up till about four weeks ago.  There are two regular hummingbird visitors, but I can never be ready enough to get a good shot. I could have aimed at one spot by the feeder and nail just that perfect shot, but that is not what I want. I prefer to photograph hummingbird sucking nectar from a flower and I thought they will be on the three targets that I had planned. But no, they have been flying all over the place and tasting everything. I am chasing after these two little guys without much success. I love to see both of them around, but then they would fight each other off and I ended up with no one.

little guy with sharp eye
This image was taken in a late evening under low light condition. Not super sharp because I had to bump up my ISO, but the little guy was ready to taste Verbena and was in motion that I really like.  A plant behind Verbena happened to provide a nice background from the angle I was shooting. It is quite colorful as a whole, so 
I painted the flowers and added the texture. 

I found out that I really like painting though I have not been able to do a lot. It is a new adventure for me and experimenting process is exciting.

It seems to me that not all photos make good 'digital' paintings and not all work I tested turns out to my expectations. Some turned out to be disastrous and some, so unexpected that therefore, so interesting to me. It is not a snap, edit and finalize process. It is more an artistic journey that I have no clue what I am getting into it till I really got there. Without any formal schooling in arts, I used my instinct and heart to paint. The process is slow and lengthy, but I truly enjoyed it. It is a good training for my patience, my sense to colors and further understanding in the making of an art.  

I took a few corn flower pictures. The flower is pretty, but I feel my shots look homely. I did not like the fact that the colors are all so bright and overpowering, but they are the true colors that I did not want them to be deceived by the texturing. Instead, by painting, I got to keep all real colors and shapes. Most of the time I like the image to look dream-like, but this time, more realistic and only slight brush touches.
Corn Flower

Besides Humminbird, Nuthatch is one of my most favorite backyard birds. They just showed up couple weeks ago. I like their curvy gesture and unique personality. They came, grabbed a bite and left. Quick and sleek. They are  also not too afraid of people. They must have figured that they can get away fast enough and they know, I like them so much that I won't never hurt them. 

Nuthatches are creepers. They like to hang on tree trunk, in many cases, hanging themselves upside down.  It is entertaining to watch them. Their eyes and body are very coordinated. When they are staring at people, their bodies signal, too.  I like this shot for the way how IT grabbed on the bark and curved its beak looking up. Except that its bluish gray body seemed to disappear among the multi brown background. So I added filter. With the blur effect on top and bottom, it looks that the nuthatch has just landed...
curious nuthatch

My eyes have been on hummingbirds. One day I saw one hummingbird stopping on one corn flower and sucking nectar from the other. It was such a rare scene, but I was not ready to capture the shot. So I waited and waited, but I have not seen that again since.

Though corn flower blooms seem to last, but the color is fading. I hate to see them go without keeping myself some memories. So I brought them into the house and place them in my favorite vase.

live and yet peace
Still shots are growing in me and I particularly like the feel of softness and subtlety.  I am not big in home decors, but I have a special liking for white flower vases. Intentionally I used a beige color backdrop for the sculptured shape vaguely shown.

And, instead of showing a perfect full bloom, I chose to focus on a smaller portion. Slight texture was intended to cover up the blemish on the fabric and it unexpectedly added the ambiance to the frame.

Action, color, excitement and fun would eventually come down and be replaced by peace and quietness when dusk comes and silence embraces the night.

A cheerful morning call, a relaxing bike ride, a squeaky clean house, a few visits from my favorite birds and a few attempts to paint my flowers have made up a wonderful week for me.  Simple and easily satisfying.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Celebrate July the 4th – at Civil War Reenactment

Firework is fun, but not my most favorite thing to do on July the 4th. Chinese are firework masters and I have seen enough dramatic firework displays in my life. The visit to Civil War Reenactment at Willamette Mission Park is a real treat for me this year.  I was amazed by the authenticity of fine details that I saw in the event. Even though I don't know American history as much as the natives do, I am opted to talk about it.
I am the one who ‘Does not Know much about American History’ (written by Kenneth C. Davis) only had my minimum education in school about World history in which American history is only part of it.  After having lived here for decades, I found myself still quite ignorant of some major historical events. Davis’ book is written in non-doctrinal style, easy and fun to read.  The section of American Voice from real people is particularly realistic and piercing to be heard and understood.

My husband is a history guru and he is usually able to answer my questions on the top of his head. I am gaining more interest in history as I began to dig in.

This short journey of entering into the world during Civil War (1861-1865) is an extraordinary experience for me.  Slavery appears to be the key to turn on the war between Confederated South and Union North.  President Lincoln has made his mark in history by maintaining the unity of the nation and unleash the slavery.  Either I entered a movie set or a time travel back to 18th century, I have discovered much that I have not thought about prior to this experience.

Whatever I wrote here here is just my limited personal experience and point of view. I am very sure that I am only aware of part of the truth.  My  eyes are focused on reality, lifestyle and naturally, fashion as you can imagine.

By looking at above images, have you smelt the war? Flag of Union North was raised high. Soldiers were fighting for a good cause. Canons were firing and gunpowder were exploding and blowing. Officials were equipped and furnished with gun and sword marching on. Army music band are making their strides, They are morale boosters. I always think music is for relaxation for our regular life. I have never thought that music also plays an important role in a war, have you?

There are Confederated South who is composed of many southern states who were adamant for slavery. Southern states are agricultural and they need manpower to work in the field. North states have more natural resources and therefore more wealthy. They want to free slaves for humanity reasons.

Civil war means people fight against own people due to different beliefs and goals. Americans are very blessed. A civil war brought in unity and freedom and prosperity comes along.
Offshores there are perpetual civil wars occurred between north and south Koreans. Old war between north and south Vietnamese has never freed people up to this date and if you ever knew, the permanent wound in the heart of those who struggled for freedom and came here by boat. Chinese and Taiwanese appear to be in good terms at the moment, but potential threat of war between two regimes is still at odds. 

American spirit is certainly at work. The presentation at the 'battlefield' looks real. The mimicking of civilian's life is also as vivid as it can be. Americans are aggressive to participate in organized events and when they do, they are perfectionists of everything, every fact and details. I stood by this 'wounded soldier' without realizing his existence at first. When I almost stepped on him, I screamed because I thought I aggravated his wound.

Then, I visited the tented-out families.  Army soldiers were moving around and tented out from one place to the other during the war, not the families. For this event, families are there in the tents to show their daily lifestyle.

Children were all dressed like they were in 18thy century and during the war. Boys all had their wooden guns and they were playing with them, at home drill? I just love their style of apparels and I bet the crafty mothers made them all.  Grandmothers and mothers were put to work. Life was hard during the war when men were not around. Women have to be Jack-at-all-Trades.  Things were mostly home-made and handmade. Household chores had to be done without the help of modern devices.  

Everything is organic, but there was hard labor and solid work. I cannot say how original (design wise) this wooden rack is, but I can say the porcelain set of rice bowl, soup bowl and plate are pretty authentic. 

Whoever created this design is a genius. Blue hand painting on white porcelain was originated from Ming Dynasty in China. To merge rice patterns into the units and make them translucent clear is extremely smart. You can usually find maybe 3-5 different blue graphics on the plate and all of them have white rice pattern immersed. However, we can only see through the rice if porcelain quality is supreme. Chinese art and porcelain can be seen in old and historical palaces, castles and mansions. I think people proceed it as antiques and timeless pieces.

This image reminds me of my grandson Braxtyn. Not sure since when wooden toys came back to style. Young parents are very cautious about the bpa content in plastic toys and organic wooden toys are becoming popular. Braxtyn has a exceptionally talented dad who makes a great varieties of toys for his son.  I bet he would love to have this mini wagon.

Here comes the fun part for me, the Victorian apparels and styles. The first thing I noticed is, the ladies who were dressed up like in 18th century actually look like the people in that era themselves. They look conservative, elegant and very civilized. They look as genuine as the characters in those beautiful classic novels that tear you up or pound your heart. I guess people belong to this reenactment organization are those who appreciate and enjoy the culture value in that era and they work hard to be authentic.

This boy was from 'Union' North. He came to get the water with a tin bucket which is exactly the same one I used when I was only 6 years old and cut my toe bleed. It really brought back my old memories. I asked him, "what is your role in the Civil War?" and he answered, "Fight the Confederated!" I know there were young boys aged from 15-18 drawn to fight in the army during the civil war...

 How could I spend a better day like this one learning and refreshing my memories about history?

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

'A Little League of Their Own' - Presumed Panning

Grandson Braxtyn just turned four. We had great fun attending his birthday party and watching him play Tee Ball, in my opinion,  a pre-baseball game.
Back in old time, my grade school had the best baseball team. Sports was then barely popular and we thought only those who could not accomplish much academically would become ball players.

I saw those school kids practice in playground when we were inside the classroom learning math and science. Somehow school put all these kids in one class. Their focus is sports and they do not have to meet the standard of regular academic classes. Up to this day, I still think it is a bad idea.

This group of Taiwanese boys in the special class later made an outstanding junior league and made themselves known internationally. That’s when people started to praise them and give them credit for what they have accomplished. Physical achievements have never been so well accepted in my culture till these days. We have countless genius and book worms who demonstrated their intelligence in advance science and sophisticated inventions, but physical potential has not been emphasized till those who have made their names in US sports and Olympics, such as Yao-Ming. 

American kids particularly boys are more inclined to expose to sports early, I say, as early as they can get their hands on. Many families have basketball hoop around  the house and kids learn how to aim the basket sooner when they can hold the ball in their hands. 

Young mother usually soon becomes a soccer mom when their kids go to school. And, then baseball, basketball and now gymnastics... anything is available.  Young parents are very eager participating and involved in kids' sports activities.

When Dad is around, little boy surely gains his confidence and courage to perform. There is crowd of parents and grandparents around who provide moral support. It is fun for kids and adults, a great family event. 

I intended to do panning shots, but little kids run slow and I did not have my tripod with me. So I cleaned up the clutters in the background and used motion blur...

It seems to me that it was just couple years ago when Braxtyn was born. There was a period of time when I drove to Portland back and forth every  week  to  watch  him.  I  knew then that he  
was very active and fun. He takes interest in all activities and engages them with a big smile. He smiled when he was batting, and even when he was running. The oversized helmet looks super cute on him and other kids.

In the image below, Braxtyn played the pitcher. Check out how determined he looked when he
caught the ball and threw the kid out at the first base.

Even his little sister was having a good time running on the side field, giggling and making funny faces. Don't you think she also makes a good cheerleader?

I grew up wanting to be the good kids at home and good students in school.  Good students meaning to  have good grades and academic is pretty much what we cared then. Watching how these kids run and have fun on the field, I think sports to kids is as important as good grades. I however would not agree if kids are aiming to be in sports and in for making big bucks. There is a reason that some NBA or NFL renown players are occasional lawbreakers. We need our kids to have a solid foundation in life, and only a sound education can accomplish that.